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38 0074 39 009 Coolant temperture sensor and switch 120/96°C 1/2-14NPTF

9 634 Ft (including tax: 12 235 Ft)

Temperaturgeber mit Warnkontakt

Czujnik temperatur i wyłącznik temperaturowy

Čidlo teploměru a teplotní spínač

Датчик температуры и термовыключатель



[:en]Connector[:hu]Csatlakozó[:]: DIN 6.3 / DIN 6.3
D (mm): 10.7
L (mm): 37
[:en]Range[:hu]Méréstartomány[:]: [T] 40-120 °C
[:en]Thread[:hu]Menet[:]: 1/2-14NPTF
[:en]Voltage[:hu]Feszültség[:]: 6 - 24V
[:en]Switching point[:hu]Kapcsolási pont[:]: [T] 96 °C
[:en]Electrical Connection[:hu]Elektromos kapcsolás[:]: Common ground
[:en]Switching power[:hu]Kapcsolható teljesítmény[:]: 3W

2 in stock (can be backordered)

Temperature sensor and switch

The transmitter is suitable for measuring the temperature of the cooling fluid, the motor oil or the cylinder head. The output resistance is changed proportionally to the temperature of the measured medium. The included switch is suitable for closing an electric circuit over a determined temperature.

Weight 0.3 kg

D (mm)

L (mm)




Switching point

Electrical Connection

Switching power

SKU: 38007439009 Categories: , ,
EUR / Ft

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